Creating Sales Taxes

This article will guide you on how to create Sales Taxes

1. From the main screen, go to Settings > Business Settings > Taxes.

2. Once the Tax screen opens, make sure the "Sales Taxes" tab is selected then click the "New Tax" (+) button, the system will open the "Tax Details" screen.

3. Once the the "Tax Details" screen opens, you will need to enter the information that is required and other information that will be required from under the following sections: General Tax, Dates, Calculation Method, Accounting Method and Compound Settings.

Sales Tax Field Definitions

General Tax fields

Tax Name: This is name of the tax, it is very important to be specific as possible, as this is the main identifier.

Tax Number: This is the tax number issued for your business by the Tax agency that your taxes are reported to.

Tax Receiver: This is the name of the Tax Agency that taxes are reported to.

Currency: This is the currency used to collect the tax.

Long Description: This is where we can enter more information about the tax.

Printer Acronym: This is what will print when printing receipts or invoices.

Date fields

Effective Date: This is the date that the tax will be active from.

End Date: This is the date that the tax will active until (If this tax does not expire, select the last possible date).

Calculation Method fields

How to Calculate: This is where you select where the tax is calculated based by line (per item) or by total (amount).

Calculate Based On: This is where you select how this tax will calculate, whether Sales Price, Landed Cost or a Custom Value.

Flat Tax: This open will be selected if this will be a tax that will not change or does not depend on any variables as it will always be the same.

Tax Basis: This is how the tax will be charged, whether is charged based on the Origin or Destination.

Tax Included: This option will be used whenever the tax is already included within the price of products.

Shipping Included: This option is used in places where shipping is taxable, if enabled, tax will be charged for shipping. If the region that you are located does not charge tax for Shipping, then this option will need to be blank.

Accounting Method fields

Can Refund: This option can be selected if the tax can be refunded back if for any reason a customer would like a refund on a transaction. Please check with your tax agency on whether this applies to the tax or not.

Can Recover: This option can be selected if the tax agency allows for tax recovery as it will vary from case to case. Please check with your tax agency on whether this applies to the tax or not.

Compound Settings Fields

Compound Tax: This a tax option that can be calculated on top of a single simple tax or more simpler taxes.

Compound Sequence: This can be used if you have multiple Compound taxes, you can set the sequence order of each compound tax, based on the number you enter here, where 1 represents the tax that will apply first, 2 will be the compound tax applied after the first one has been applied, etc.

Once you have entered the information that is needed, you can click on the "Save" button located at the top right corner, to save all the tax settings that you have entered.

Note that Sales Taxes marked as Online Taxes will only calculate taxes with online sales, not in-store sales.

Last updated

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