Matrix Product Import

This article will guide you on how to successfully import matrix products

If you will be importing matrix products, refer to the below article on how to properly add matrix products to the import file.

Refer to this article to setup inventory options:

Inventory Options Settings

When importing matrix products, special care needs to be taken when creating the import file.

  1. Download the inventory template by going to Settings > Import > Inventory List, and then selecting Create New Records Only, you will then be able to select Download Inventory Template

  1. Add the parent product to the import file

  2. Enter Parent into the Product Type column

  3. Fill out the Option Name(s) that this matrix will have (ie. Colour, Size) use Option Name 2, Option Name 3, and Option Name 4 if you will have more than 1 option.

  4. Directly under the parent product, add new rows for each of the product options available for this product

  5. For each product option, enter Child into the Product Type column

  6. Fill out the Option Name(s) and the Option Value(s) for each product option


Note that other mandatory columns were hidden so content would fit in this image

Product with One Option

In this example 9999007 is the parent product, it appears as the first product in this matrix import, the product type is set as Parent, and the option name has been entered but no value is required for the parent.

Each of the product options appear directly underneath the parent, the product type is set as Child, and Option Names and Option Values are fully filled.

Product with Multiple Options

This example uses multiple options Comic Series and Condition

Important Notes

  • The parent product and each product option should have it’s own unique SKU

  • All product options belonging to a parent must be in the rows directly under the parent, if a product option is separated from the parent it may result in errors when trying to import, or the product option will appear under the wrong parent

  • Inventory options that appear in import file must be setup before import otherwise it will result in import errors

  • There is a limit of 4 possible different options for each product

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